for Papers
The Serenata and the Festa Teatrale in 18th Century Europe
Queluz National
Palace, Portugal (June 26-27th, 2015)
Organized by
Centro de Estudos Musicais Setecentistas de
Carlos de Brito (Portugal), Paologiovanni Maione (Italy), Annarita Colturato
(Italy), Cristina Fernandes (Portugal), Iskrena Yordanova (Bulgaria)
Andrea Sommer-Mathis (Austria), Annarita Colturato
The CEMSP is
organizing, from 26 to 27 June 2015, an International Colloquium at the
National Palace of Queluz, dedicated to the Serenata and the Festa teatrale at
the courts of Europe in the 18th century. Investigating the
distinctive character and contexts of the Festa teatrale and the
Serenata at a time when musical theatre was an integral part of the ceremonial
of the court and was a privileged ritual of repraesentatio maiestatis,
implies an approach to these works full of metaphors and symbolic allusions
that takes into account the multiplicity of aspects that involve the context of
celebration and the choice of themes, its textual and musical structure, the
dramaturgical forms, the vocal and instrumental ensembles, and the various
options with regard to the stage apparatus and performance practices. With this Colloquium,
the CEMSP aims to encourage dialogue concerning the production and circulation
of the Serenata, one of the principal musical genres performed at the Palace of
Queluz during the 18th century, and to focus attention on the
Portuguese contribution to the European musical circuit of the time.
The official languages of the conference are
Portuguese, English and Italian.
Individual Papers are limited to 20 min. Single-topic panels involving joint presentations by three of four
authors may also be considered (max.
length: 1h30min). Please submit an abstract of no more than 300 words and a
short bio (150 words max.) in Word format.
All proposals should be submitted no later than March 31st 2015. Please
include your name, contact details (postal address, e-mail and telephone
number) and affiliation.
The Scientific Committee will make the final decision
on the abstracts by April 10th 2015 and contributors will be
informed immediately thereafter.